What is it?
The series is an opportunity for young women to come and learn from professionals in the technology industry about professional and personal skills. These sessions are interactive, giving you the chance to ask questions about what it is like to be a woman in the STEM field. The topics are based on discussions from the novel Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg.
Speaker Series #2
Our second Speaker Series was November 17th from 6:00pm-7:00pm EST! Shelly Dasperine, a PSU College of IST graduate, talked about her experiences at Penn State and the workforce. She is currently a technology director at PWC Advisory. This event was very informative to our members!
Speaker Series #1
Our first Lean In Speaker Series was on November 4th 6:00pm-7:00pm! We heard from Penn State alumni, Audra Stafusky and Vimala Veerap. They talked with us about their Penn State and career field experiences! Audra is currently a software engineer at Vanguard, and Vimala is a current Director at Cisco. This event was very informative; we received lots of useful advice and had great conversations!